"In this day and age, there is a great deal of focus on affirmation, which can be great. But we're not called to provide affirmation to the error in someone's ways," says Dom Cingoranelli, who recently wrote an article for the Catholic Stand called "The Advantage of An Outward Focus." Dom is a Benedictine-educated cradle Catholic—a revert to the faith—and an Oblate of St. Benedict. Recently retired from consulting to management in the CPA profession and elsewhere, he and his wife of 45+ years attempt to live according to the three pillars of Church authority--Scripture, Tradition and the Magisterium. Dom encourages everyone to live with an outward focus, making God’s will and others’ needs the targets of your attention. God wants to use each of us for His greater glory where we’re at, now, in the moment. This requires us to look up and out- up to God, and out, for our neighbor.

Read the full article and others at: https://catholicstand.com/the-advantage-of-an-outward-focus/