"And that's when I learned that right down the street a spiritual battle was raging over the bodies and souls of the next generation. And the sexual left was winning. And the other side, my side, wasn't even on the battlefield. But I am convinced, thanks be to God, that that is about to change," said Cathy Ruse, Esq., who gave the Gospel of Life Presentation on Oct. 22, 2021, at St. Thomas More Catholic Parish in Centennial, Colo. The event was sponsored by Respect Life Denver. For the full video presentation, go to https://vimeo.com/639728100

Ruse is a "longtime governor of the Ave Maria School of Law and has been a frequent lecturer for the Blackstone Legal Fellowship," according to her biography at Dominion Law Group LLP. Hear a previous Respect Life Radio interview with Ruse, titled, "Kids as lab rats in a Sex Ed social experiment."