This week, host Daniel Raimi talks with Nathaniel Keohane, senior vice president for climate at Environmental Defense Fund. In this episode, Keohane gives a readout on the outcomes of this year’s annual international climate negotiations, called COP25. He and Raimi talk about the goals of the conference; whether those goals were achieved; and several other issues, including conference protests, the role of the US delegation, and what to look forward to at next year’s COP26.

There was so much to talk about that the episode extends about ten minutes beyond the usual length of the podcast. Given the importance and timeliness of this topic, we think you’ll appreciate the extra time.

References and recommendations:

"What to Expect at COP25 in Madrid" by Robert Stavins;

"Elliot Diringer on the conclusion of COP25" from the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions;

"This Changes Everything" by Naomi Klein;