This week, host Kristin Hayes talks with Jon Krosnick, a university fellow at Resources for the Future (RFF) and professor in humanities and social sciences, communication, and political science at Stanford University, where he directs the Political Psychology Research Group. In his spare time, Krosnick is a professional jazz drummer who tours a third of the year with his band, the Charged Particles—but during the day, Krosnick is a social psychologist who researches survey methods and the psychology of political behavior. Krosnick has collaborated with RFF for a number of years on his work related to surveying American public opinion on global warming, and the partnership continues with additional key collaborators this year. Today's discussion focuses on the overall trend results from the "Climate Insights 2020" survey. For more information on the survey, visit for an interactive web tool that shows the comprehensive findings in robust detail.

References and recommendations:

"Climate Insights 2020: Surveying American Public Opinion on Climate Change and the Environment" by Jon A. Krosnick and Bo MacInnis;

Climate survey data tool;

"The Rational Public" by Benjamin I. Page and Robert Y. Shapiro;

"Uninformed" by Arthur Lupia;