Obedience is not the final stage of our maturity in Christ… it’s our training for a life of partnership with Him.  It’s the beginning.  There is more than complying with the Word of the Lord.  There is more than acquiescing to the command of the Lord.  Much more!  The joy comes from a place of surrender to the will of the Lord, but a surrender so complete that we are swept into the momentum of saying yes.  It’s a surrender so deep that we are partners in the thoughts and will of God. 


There is more for us than obedience.  And yet, there is not less.  Obedience is the teacher that leads us into true joy.  We were made to worship the Lord.  We were created to bring Him pleasure.  There is a partnership with Jesus that to describe is nothing short of miraculous.  God will grant to us the honor of moving His heart… of hastening His day.  This is lofty indeed!