Les Guérillères – by Monique Wittig  – MP3 – PDF – Torrent – Archive – YouTube Monique Wittig published Les Guerilleres in 1969, at a time when the whole world seemed on the brink of revolutionary change. It is the story of a successful feminist war against patriarchy. It was one of the most widely … Continue reading Les Guérillères – AudioZine

Les Guérillères – by Monique Wittig  – MP3PDFTorrentArchiveYouTube

Monique Wittig published Les Guerilleres in 1969, at a time when the whole world seemed on the brink of revolutionary change. It is the story of a successful feminist war against patriarchy. It was one of the most widely read feminist texts of the twentieth century both dated and ahead of its time. We include our own introduction and explanation at the beginning of the recording, you can read it here.

“They say, hell, let the earth become a vast hell. So they speak crying

and shouting. They say, let my words be like the tempest the thunder

the lightning that the mighty release from their height. They say, let

me be seen everywhere arms in hand. They say anger hate revolt. They

say, hell, let the earth become a vast hell destroying killing and setting

fire to the buildings of men, to theatres national assemblies to museums

libraries prisons psychiatric hospitals old and new from which

they free the slaves.”

Music – Ruth Crawford-Seeger – String Quartet (1931)