From Friendship as a Form of Life

"Life cannot simply be something to cling to. This thought skims through everyone at least once. We have a possibility that makes us freer than the gods: we can quit. This is an idea to be savoured to the end. Nothing and no one is obliging us to live. Not even death. For that reason our life is a tabula rasa, a slate on which nothing has been written, so contains all the words possible."

*This AudioZine discusses Suicide* 1:01:58 – Joy Unto Death – Various – MP3ReadPrintArchiveTorrentYouTube

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From Friendship as a Form of Life

“Life cannot simply be something to cling to. This thought skims through everyone at least once. We have a possibility that makes us freer than the gods: we can quit. This is an idea to be savoured to the end. Nothing and no one is obliging us to live. Not even death. For that reason our life is a tabula rasa, a slate on which nothing has been written, so contains all the words possible.”

*1 Materialism of Joy * 2 The Practice of Joy before Death – Bataille * 3 One’s Life on the Line – Bonanno *4 Paradoxes of Sovereignty – Tiqqun *5 Class Hatred – Dupont *6 Bartleby – Agamben *7 The Simplest of Pleasures – Foucault *8 Eternity Through the Stars – Blanqui

*9 To the Aspiring Suicides…