Welcome to another edition of Quick Hit Fridays from the Resist Average Academy!

In this latest Quick Hit Episode, I reveal 5 lessons from UnResolution, my first book launching on 3.21.2017. These lessons are part of the fabric of why I created the book and what you can expect from reading it. I also share a story about receiving the book and why chasing perfection and focusing on what's wrong will hold you back in life.


Join The Early Bird VIP List: bit.ly/unresolutionVIP

1. Buy UnResolution! I’ll be hooking this group up with a special price, and if you get the paperback I will gift you a digital version.

2. Share a picture, screenshot or link on 3.21 about the book on social (Facebook/Instagram).

3. Leave an Amazon review, screenshot it and send it to me.


Lastly, our friends at Athletic Greens are a nutritional on-the-go greens and multivitamin designed to give you the clarity, energy, and vitality you need. As a way of Thanking You for being part of the Academy, they've given each listener a special BONUS when you order here:


Resist Average,
