Have you been stuck in your business, "trying" to break through the six-figure mark —and yet none of the tactics, strategies, and tools are working?

We've all been there, whether you're working to get to the first 6 figures, or to $250K or your first Million: it's going to start with your thinking and money mindset before anything else.

In this special edition episode, I bring back two-time Academy Alumni and a great friend, Michael Zeller.

In this episode, you're going to discover:

What holds most entrepreneurs back from six figures The four crucial pillars of your money mindset for success Why more tactics without mindset lead to frustration Mindset, habits, your crucial offer, and the "right" tribe How to attract the right clients by speaking to them directly The 80/20 rule and The 4% Rule for maximum results Why the Tribe is crucial to get to 7 figures and beyond

...and so much more designed to help you create the money shift you've been waiting for.


Are you ready? Are you ready? Are you READY!!?!?

There’s a bold decision in your life you’ve been putting off, and every day passing by is a reminder of what hasn’t happened.

And now you’re wondering if it ever will.

But what if there was a way to flip the script, take the Leap Of Your Life and never wonder ‘what could have been'?

I'm excited to announce my BRAND NEW book, The Leap Of Your Life is available for pre-order now on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and all other retailers.

This book was written to give yourself permission to not only dream big and bold...but go all in on yourself and ensure you never, ever experience the sinking feeling of regret.



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