On this week’s episode of the podcast, Jonny interviews our friend Jordan Burdge on the relationship between anthropology and soteriology. This pair of seminarians share their ideas on becoming human and how who we are relates to how we’re saved. Specifically, they talk about experiential learning, things we can do to experience God, the role community plays in our salvation, and more. Tons of thoughts and wisdom here from a great friend and leader in Circle of Hope.

Also, as always, a little talkback about the way things have changed during the pandemic, and some Spiritual Show and Tell: a collection of letters from George Washington Carver, Abuelita Faith by Kat Armas, Taylor Swift triumphing over her despair and the music industry, and centering prayer.


-Interview w Jordan Burdge-

Jordan Burdge: [email protected]

-Spiritual Show and Tell-

George Washington Carver: His Life and Faith in his Own Words (review: https://regententrepreneur.org/rceresources/george-washington-carver-his-life-and-faith-in-his-own-words/)

Abuelita Faith: Women on the Margins Teach Us about Wisdom, Persistence, and Strength by Kat Armas https://www.amazon.com/Abuelita-Faith-Margins-Persistence-Strength/dp/158743508X

Taylor Swift on SNL performing “All Too Well:” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2uxc01fUXU&feature=emb_title

//About this Podcast//

Resist and Restore is a podcast by Circle of Hope. We're extending the table of our dialogue! Tune in bi-weekly as the Circle of Hope pastors—Rachel, Ben, Julie, and Jonny—sit down to dialogue about faith, God, Jesus, the spiritual life, and everything in between. Available on Spotify, iTunes/Apple Music, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and more.

//Contact Us//

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