September is Hirschsprung's Disease Awareness and NICU Awareness Month. I know I'm late, but I still have to represent my warrior. It's been a while but my warrior has been in the hospital, had surgery, started playing his 1st team sport, and started school. Life has been super busy and you guys will be hearing how I managed to get through August and September. I promise to keep you guys updated more often because I'm sure we can all use some encouragement during these tough times.

Make sure you Subscribe and Rate the Podcast, Let's get the message out to other Resilient Moms!

Download our Free Important Facts Slide Template- It's a Google Slideshow that explains your child's condition in depth so you don't have to keep having the same conversation over and over. We use ours at school, for sports, and with caregivers.

Come Hang out with me and the other Moms in the Facebook Group

Grab those Medical Supplies and Check-In for your weekly dose of Encouragement!