With Reset #11 finally out of an extended hyperwarp, the Reset64 team again go behind the scenes in this fourth episode of the Reset64 Podcast. This time Kev, Cam, Ant and Rob delve into Reset #11, discussing their favourite articles and games featured in the issue.

Along with that, the crew chat about other C64 related news, early plans for Reset #12, as well as other modern and retro games that they have recently been playing.

Other Stuff We Rambled out:
* David Rayfield on Elite: Dangerous - https://raygunbrown.com/2018/04/17/elite-dangerous-and-the-silent-euphoria-of-leaving-earth-behind/
* Lions of the Universe: https://csdb.dk/release/?id=25696
* Rob & Ant Play Armalyte: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NK6MSSFiDfQ
* Rob at the Brisbane C64 Night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNGo1QtguRk
* Nipple Gripples (No URL available)

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