Love is in the air today, RESET! 

In this week's episode, the girls are taking a quiz to find out what their love language is. The five love languages include Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Acts of Service, Physical Touch, and Gifts. This conversation touches on the ways in which the girls like to receive love and how they nurture the relationships in their life. While the quiz focussed on romantic relationships, these ideas can be further applied to friendships and self love. Although this topic can appear cheesy and cliche, it is important in life to be able to identify what makes you feel loved by others, as well as recognizing how you can make people you care about feel loved. Whether it is in the form of a coffee or a hug, love can show itself in many ways. This is your sign to send a message to someone special to you that you haven't connected with in a while and spread the love. Cheers!

Link to quiz: https: //