This week on ResearchVR we dig deep into VR for sustainable development - meaning we are solving the global worming and consequences of modern worlds rapid development using virtual reality.

Education for Sustainable Development with Carina Mentrup

This week on ResearchVR we dig deep into VR for sustainable development - meaning we are solving the global worming and consequences of modern worlds rapid development using virtual reality.


Here is a list of most prominent issues we've talked about:

sustainable development
education for sustainable development
education ecosystem
storytelling styles
moral implication
education for everyone
didactical methods
fidelity discussion
go-to-market strategy
the power of consumer


VR Saving Planet A website
VR Saving Planet A gameplay
Episode with Alex Bowels on Education
HTC Vive for Planet's Sustainability

How to subscribe and contact us

For more details tune in to another episode of ResearchVR! You can subscribe to our RSS Feed in the mp3 or acc format. We hope you learned something new and enjoyed listening.

Thanks to Carina for sharing her expertise with us and our listeners.

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