We take for granted informal encounters during scientific conferences. Some will shape the course of our lives. It was meeting an academic from Sheffield during a conference in China which changed the direction of Dr Yi JIn’s life. She is now a Wellcome Trust Sir Henry Dale Fellow at Manchester Institute of Biotechnology.

Yi received encouragements from both her Master’s supervisor in China, and an academic met at a conference, who encouraged her to apply for a scholarship with the British Council. When others show their confidence in us, it gives us the courage to go for opportunities we may not dare jump into otherwise. Yi changed not only country, but also research field and landed a PhD at The University of Sheffield (UK). She has moved quickly across 2 Postdocs, before landing her first independent research position at the University of Cardiff. Recently, she has obtained a Wellcome Trust Sir Henry Dale Fellowship at Manchester Institute of Biotechnology (University of Manchester).

Listening to our conversation will prompt your thinking

Why enabling autonomy in early career researchers support research transition to research independence   How your research niche becomes clearer steadilyHow sharing your intentions in supervising others is effective communication

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