Dr Muna Abdi is an independent scholar and consultant who is using her own experience and expertise as a British Somali academic to support organisations embed anti-racist practices. 

Being a black British Somali woman in the academia is likely to put you in the odd-one-out category of university staff in the UK Higher Education system. 

Dr Muna Abdi has experienced many academic spaces since the start of her career. From being one of many Black home students as an undergraduate student, to being the only black home PhD student among other black overseas students, in a Russell group institution, and moving to the great challenge of being the only British Somali early career academic in an institution with many black home students.

 Muna’s experiences of academia is an interesting illustration of the intermingling of race, gender and post-colonial issues in our academic world.

Muna's consultancy can be found here: https://ma-consultancy.co.uk/

Muna is also a Podcaster. Her Podcast is called Becoming an antiracist