To Love or not to Love - that is the question. Is it possible to love at all times, and under all circumstances or are there times to turn away from love? Is our love really about keeping the rules, boundaries, expectations of others and based on fulfilling certain expectations? If what I think of as love reduces down to being all about me, I am still locked in selfishness and fear.

Real love is defeating the unloving spirit that is rooted in fear of love. Real love is being in a relationship with someone who wants to know you - with someone you want to get to know for who they are, not for what they can do for you. Real love begins with knowing and accepting the love God has for us. Real love does not come from keeping the religious rules that offer lip service to love, but through the revelation of God's unconditional love for us.

Checkout "Doing Relationships God's Way" at the Life Recovery Store.

"Because There Is A War For Your Soul"