Episode 30 – What are we doing? AKA the golden pancake

We are starting a new 8 part series following the structure of Amy’s “Psychology as a Robust Science” course (https://www.amyorben.com/docs/syllabus.pdf). We will take a specific aspect from each week and dive into the detail.
This week: Introductions and Merton’s norms, what is Science? We discuss each of Mertons norms in turn; communalism, universalism, disinterestedness, and organised scepticism.

Useful resources:
Merton, Robert K. ‘The Normative Structure of Science’, 1942.
this YouTube video for explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00btFojQPiU&list=PLAKyhL4GNnqMVIdZDvSt3bqlHFJVRNOsF&index=2)