Join us for a recording of Ben’s conversation with Rev. Dr. Heber Brown III of The Black Church Food Security Network and Pastor Emily Scott of Dream and Visions to imagine a new church, as part of the BTS Center’s series, “Unlocking Possibility: Catalyzing Spiritual Imagination in Uncertain Times”. Episode Highlights Include:  Stories of possibilities [...]

Join us for a recording of Ben’s conversation with Rev. Dr. Heber Brown III of The Black Church Food Security Network and Pastor Emily Scott of Dream and Visions to imagine a new church, as part of the BTS Center’s series, “Unlocking Possibility: Catalyzing Spiritual Imagination in Uncertain Times”.

Episode Highlights Include: 

Stories of possibilities unlocked for both Heber and Emily
How reimagining our tradition can unlock innovation
What it looks like to untangle capitalism and Christianity
What it means to take seriously that “all that we need is here”
The way that church is like improv dancing around a steady bass line

Thanks to our amazing supporters, including

Patrons like you
The BTS Center
New Faith Communities of the North Carolina Annual Conference

Stay tuned next for: A conversation with Bill McKibben and Rev. Lennox Yearwood about imagining a new planet.