Abnormal Mapping is doing a movie podcast again! After running one for a couple years in the distant, distant past, and a recent attempt waylaid by scheduling woes, a slot has opened up in the Abnormal Mapping schedule by Star Trek being bad enough that we don’t want to talk about it anymore. So Em and Jackson decided it was time to talk about movies instead, and they’re joined by Destiny Sturdivant. Not in this preview though, because her microphone was broken.

Here’s the plan. The podcast is biweekly, and hopefully on the shorter side, as we take everyone on a journey through the movies that you always meant to see, but never got around to. In the same way that you don’t have to be already into video games to appreciate Abnormal Mapping, our aim is to make this an accessible podcast - you do not have to be a seasoned cinephile to listen.

For our first movie, we will be watching: Citizen Kane (1941). If you have never seen Citizen Kane before then now is a perfect time.

It isn’t on any streaming subscription service but is avaliable to rent or buy in the US from Amazon Prime, iTunes, etc etc. In the UK, it’s avaliable to buy on those services but not to rent. It’s in print on Blu Ray and DVD, it’s Citizen Kane! It’s pretty easy to get a hold of. But if we ever do a movie that isn’t, we’re always going to make it part of our process to look up ahead of time where it’s avaliable, so that you can watch along.

That’s it! That’s the Announcement! I hope you all come back in two weeks for our first full episode!