NOTE: As usual, some audio problems with this episode, so please excuse any weirdness. We’re working on it!

Em and Jackson get into a bit of a fight about the merits of basic ass cinema on this episode about a movie that we all liked well enough but to varying degrees. We discuss martial arts movies, despair, what makes comedy and emotional beats work in a script, and generally a bunch of stuff because everyone can agree: this movie is all over the place. Also, we talk about everyone’s heavy lifting actors doing double (or triple, quadruple, or more!) duty in a movie where they have multiple roles.

Send us any email questions and comments about the movies we cover or movies in general to [email protected]!

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Next Question of the Week:
What movie do you like despite its kind of embarrassing cultural reputation? (The Fight Clubs of the world)

Next Time on Repertory Screenings:
Streets of Fire