On today’s podcast, Jeff Gorcyca, James Kern and Kevin Glaccum drop in to chat about Azuka’s production of “Warplay” by JC Lee. You may know a bit about Achilles but, how much do you know about Patroclus? Stay Tuned!

On today’s podcast, Jeff Gorcyca, James Kern and Kevin Glaccum drop in to chat about Azuka’s production of “Warplay” by JC Lee. You may know a bit about Achilles but, how much do you know about Patroclus? Stay Tuned!


A poetic and funny re-imagining of the relationship between Achilles and Patroclus, warplay requires us to reexamine our assumptions about heroism and love. Marking the return to Azuka of Pookie Goes Grenading playwright and television writer JC Lee (ABC's How to Get Away with Murder, HBO's Looking), the journey of A & P is a meditation on male intimacy, destiny, and how the constant shadow of war may warp us all.

