Founded in 2018 by Faizan Bhatty and his co-founders, Halo Cars developed hyper-targeted advertising on smart screens that sit on top of ride share cars and taxis. This advertising not only allowed for personalized, local advertising to where your car is driving, but additionally became a safe resource for finding your rides hare car by displaying the license-plate number on top of the car so it can be found more easily and reliably. Additionally, through this smart-screen advertising, Halo Cars is able to provide additional income for ride share drivers, giving them a sustainable wage. 

Ahead is the story of how Halo Cars went from an idea at Wharton School of Business to being acquired by Lyft in 2019. 

For our listeners, the thoughts and opinions of Faizan Bhatty do not reflect those of Halo Cars, but of his personal journey to where he is today.