Renegade welcomes Bill Deane Author of Smooth Criminal and

France Backs Out, Ending Syrian Coalition Hopes

France which was talking tough, even after the British Parliament voted late last week, against participation in a military attack on President Assad's regime now says it can't go it alone and is instead trying to form a coalition. The "second thought" decision comes after Paris declared there must be retaliation against those responsible for the gas attack 2 weeks ago which killed close to 15-hundred in an anti-Assad suburb of the capital of Damascus. There was never any French offer to participate in an air attack or any other punishing blow, though it's possible Paris would ... << MORE >>
Posted by William Deane at 9/3/2013 9:43 AM | Add Comment
Obama Waits on Absent Congress For Syrian Order

The president's breaking precedence in handing the attack-or-not-to-attack Syria problem over to the Congress. Remember when President Reagan invaded Grenada with American troops in 1983 and then 3 years later bombed Libya, nearly killing Mohamar Khadafi while he was out of his house sleeping in his backyard tent?

I was tempted to write "NFL wins, players lose," as the league's agreement to pay 765 Million over the next 17 years is virtually zero when compared to what could have been 4 Thousand 500 individual suits, which, yes, could have put the NFL out of business. But you know their lawyers, it never would have happened. So the NFL keeps its Billions and the players get medical treatment.

Enjoy Renegade Nation
Richie Marla and Bill

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