The Republicans are using the hurricane to postpone the convention until Tuesday. They had already moved the nomination vote from Wednesday (when there will be television coverage) to Monday (when there will NOT be television coverage). Now, they are postponing the entire convention until Tuesday. Do you believe this crap???

School will probably be in session, and the Girl Scouts will most likely meet as usual, but the Republican National Convention will be postponed (the same way the Maine primaries were cancelled due to a snow flurry). Jack tells me the "hurricane" at this point is still only a tropical storm. It's not even a hurricane yet. But who knows? Perhaps HAARP will crank up speed at the last minute just before it hits Tampa.

Meanwhile, the GOP is playing every card in the deck to prove that the Ron Paul "Delegate Strategy" was a complete and utter waste of time -- that no headway was made, that no advantages were gained, and that no battles were won, etc., etc., etc.

The Delegates need to kick the GOP rules to the curb and to vote for Ron Paul on the first round. No more " going along to get along." No more being respectful of the GOP's wishes and process. No more accepting crap for breakfast.

It's time for the Delegates to show the GOP that they aren't the only ones who are willing to do whatever it takes to get a candidate nominated. The GOP and the establishment want Romney, and America wants Ron Paul.

Enjoy Renegade Nation

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Richie Marla Mark and Dr ZZ PH.D