Previous Episode: Dazed and Confused
Next Episode: Wake Up and Look Around

TANTRA & POLYAMORY: Dr. Lessin describes the first part BELOVED IN THE CENTER, a tantric ritual used by multi-lover groups dedicated to whole person loving, involving vulnerability, sexuality, empowerment, love, communication, vision and spiritual connection. The Lessins' polyamorous group comprises "givers" who support each person in the group--each woman first (Sasha continues his description in detail next week) who assigns her lover-group to pleasure her and help her release her inhibitions. Janet describes an advanced tantra "YONI (vagina, in Sanskrit)PUJA" where the givers take turns pleasuring each woman who has completed the first ritual.

THE MOON: Janet Lessin discusses statues on the moon and Sasha shares the photos Bob Dean has shown of mining operations on the moon. The Lessins discuss the possible faking of the American landing on the moon, which was already explored and mined by our secret government.

DARK KNIGHT MURDERER: The Lessins, Rich and Marla discuss post-hypnotic "Manchurian Candidate" assassins. Janet relates such assassians' behavior to sexual and aggressive needs that are unmet and driven into the shadow, to explode when triggered into behavior such as murder or sex with minors.

Enjoy Renegade Nation
Richie Marla Mark Dr. Sasha and Janet