Katie Holmes My Marriage to Tom Was Kaput in 2011. Listen to Tom and the this crazy explanation of Scientology. (THEY CLAIMED TO BE FROM ANOTHER PLANET) What the Fuck is this?? Where is L Ron Hubbard when you need him?
He's on the MOTHER SHIP!! Rupert Murdoch Scientologists 'Creepy, maybe even Evil.

Our Favorite Congressman Charlie Rangel back in the News. The State of NY Board of Elections is looking complaints about Voter Fraud.

And good old State Penn they knew all about this in 1998 CNN is doing a investigation --- CNN does not have the Purported E-Mails. However,the alleged contents were read to them. LISTEN and LEARN

Thanks Renegade Nation

Richie Marla and Mark

Shoutouts to Bonnie, Bob, Rick and the entire Renegade Nation