Bill Deane joins Richie as Marla is out today.

What is it about Celebrity that makes people care? Zimmerman case for instance. Here is a case of one person killing another. This happens everyday all over the country probably in roughly the same scenario in some cases and no one cares. Throw it into the news and suddenly it's something of massive debate. Why do we care what the name of some person kid we don't personally know is? Most of us can't even name our neighbors kids.

I know I'm odd in this regard because I really don't care. However clearly the magazine racks full of stories, 24 hour news cycles of stories etc etc indicate that this is a huge draw for a huge portion of the population. So what is that is so engaging about these people and the things they are involved in? THIS IS A SETUP BY THE MEDIA TO GET YOUR ATTENTION AWAY FROM WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON.

Snowden applies for asylum in Russia: immigration source

On Monday, CNN showed George Zimmerman’s Social Security number and other personal information live over the air, including address, date of birth, and phone number.

Officer Doris Singleton was testifying when the prosecutors showed a narrative report including Zimmerman’s information.

That immediately launched a round of tweets by Zimmerman haters celebrating knowledge of that information.

Pass the Show around
Enjoy Renegade Nation