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Today's show is well Listen and find out.

American Teens Trained for Terrorism

The great shock for Americans over 9-11 remains that it could happen here, close to our homes. The 1998 simultaneous car bombings at the US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania killed hundreds was shocking but it was "over there," as was the al-Qaeda attack on the Navy's USS Cole two years later off the Yemeni port of Aden. The mistake Americans are making with only muted reaction to the Nairobi, Kenya shopping mull bombings and killings of at least 62 this past weekend, is that directly affects us here in the good old U.S. of A. as an al-Qaeda splinter group has been successful in recruiting teenagers here to do the terrorist group's dirty work.

Senator Ted Cruz, who vowed to speak out against Obamacare on the Senate floor 'until I am no longer able to stand', has finally stopped talking after 21 hours.
Cruz began his crusade to deny funding for Obama's overhaul of the U.S. healthcare system - branding it the country's 'biggest jobs killer' - at 2.41 p.m. on Tuesday and stopped at midday today.

But the stunt was never technically a filibuster as he was always going to have to stop talking for an already-scheduled vote on the House bill at 1:00 p.m. Wednesday.
The tea party conservative had navigated disparate topics including the American revolution, sending a man to the moon, his Cuban-born father and the impact of the health care law.

Obama Takes Credit For Mid East Peace Overtures

President Obama's speech to the United Nations General Assembly today is one of taking credit for avoiding a military bombing campaign, when it was he who had insisted on keeping the threat against Syria only two weeks ago. The president says it was this American threat of bombing Syria that created the groundwork for the present diplomatic atmosphere that's forced Russia and its ally to agree to his proposal of diplomacy. Yet, he's calling on the Security Council to come up with a "strong" threat of military action if Syria doesn't hand over all chemical weapons. That's highly doubtful with both China and Russia able to use the power of the veto.

Killer Poison Gas in U.S. and Syria for Years.

What the United States and the Russian governments are asking reviled Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad to do--get rid of all chemical weapons by the middle of next year is something the U.S. hasn't been able to do over eighty years since the end of World War-1 where poison gas was used for the first time. It can be done, if a country wants to, but it's extremely costly and time-consuming. There are over 300 sites from a 5-mile long weapons dump in Alabama to a lot right next to the American University campus, just blocks from the White House. America's poison gas supply was built at the height of World War 1 when frustrated Germans in a stalemated war tried for a quick ending by surprising the British and French with a mustard gas compound.

Enjoy and Learn Renegade Nation

Richie and Bill Deane