Hosts Rich and Marla interview Anthropologist Dr. Sasha Lessin and Alien Contact researcher Janet Kira Lessin on the 50th Anniversary of JFK's assassination.

The secret government, with the full foreknowledge of then Vice President LBJ, who was about to be dropped from the Democrats' ticket for the Bobby Baker scandal, told his girlfriend the night before the fateful Dallas parade, "After tomorrow, we won't have to deal any more with the Kennedys."

Films Wm. Cooper secured show Kennedy's Limo driver turned his head when he heard a shot and saw Kennedy shot in the neck (He is supposed to speed away, not stop). The Secret Service guy next to the driver took the wheel and the driver turned and shot Kennedy in the head. Cooper's film shows where the gun-barrel was scraped off the film for the public. Jaqueline jumped out of the car to escape the driver, but the Secret Service threw her back in. Most of the 22 people close enough to see what actually happened were killed, as was Cooper for whistleblowing.

The Lessins review the pattern of problems pushed as false flag events--Pearl Harbor, 911, WMD in Iraq, etc. The hosts and guests urge vets who've served in these manufactured wars, wars manufactured to keep us divided and exploited, have seen firsthand to come forth with what they witnessed from our wars.

The Lessins show how the technology of free energy, extreme longevity, and enhanced immune abilities have been present since the Homo Sapiens from the planet Nibiru adapted their genome to Earth, adding a few Neanderthal genes, copper and clay to make us as disposable workers, and how they developed monetary systems to perpetuate the debt slavery that exists today.

Guest and hosts warned that Obamacare, far from being a free health gift, is but a hidden tax, payable by the month or taken by the taxman at the year's end from those who didn't buy insurance.

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