Previous Episode: Eve of Destruction
Next Episode: An Uncertain Future

Bill Deane joins us today to discuss the downfall of Investigative Reporting.

Sharyl Attkisson speaks with two families who were victims of terrorist attacks in the Middle East. They have joined a novel lawsuit by terror victims suing international banks which, they say, supported the terrorists.

Sharyl Attkisson, the Emmy award-winning investigative reporter, is in talks to leave CBS News ahead of contract, POLITICO has learned.
Sources familiar with the situation cite disputes between Attkisson and network executives, including CBS Evening News executive producer Patricia Shevlin, as the cause for the talks, though the specific issues could not be confirmed.

Sources cite "disputes with network executives". No kidding. Why, I couldn't possibly imagine what these "specific issues" might be.
Just for fun, let's take a look at Sharyl's recent highlight reel of investigative journalism.

She took the lead on investigating the Fast & Furious scandal while the rest of the media including her own network, were seemingly uninterested. She was even screamed at by a White House spokesman over her coverage of the story.

She excoriated both the Administration and Hillary Clinton herself over the Benghazi stonewalling. This is something she continues to pursue, while again, the media has lost interest.

Patricia Shevlin, named above as clashing with Attkisson, of course worked for nearly a decade with Dan Rather on CBS's Evening News. I bring that up because I feel like it.

Bill talks about the day's of Edward R Murrow The CBS journalist who was FIRED for being Censored.

The Russians and the FBI.

Enjoy the Show Renegade Nation

Richie Marla and Bill