This show is covering the HUGE and UNPRECEDENTED historical times that we are now entering. The fact is, Operations and Operators across military intelligence have gone live to take down the criminal syndicate that runs the secret government and the many actors that assist the Deep State - not just in the United States but worldwide. Indictments and arrests have begun and will be accelerating. This is global, my friends. Major information dumps have been ongoing on the 4Chan/pol site by two entities, MegaAnon and QAnon (or "Q Clearance" - referring to one of the highest security clearances in the United States). These two entities have been tasked to inform the public of what is now going down. These are exciting times, Renegade Nation.

As always, thanks for listening - and pass this information on to everyone you can think of. The public needs to be aware of the true nature of what is happening and why, so that they can anticipate the major positive changes that are finally on their way!

Everly Isbe