The clock is ticking… Biden’s dementia is getting worse. Terrorists are

attacking Israel and moving on to global jihad. What will happen first: 

a terror attack in America or a mentally competent President to replace 

him and protect us?

Dr. Lieberman, your Terrorist Therapist®, was the first one to publicly 

state that Biden had “encroaching dementia,” back when he was running 

for President from his basement in 2020. She wrote an Open Letter to 

him in 2022, offering to give him a cognitive test. Since then, she’s been 

the first one to publicly state he wouldn’t make it to Election Day 2024 -

and now his dementia, having further ‘encroached’, is the neon elephant 

in the room. 

Ironically, though Biden avoided cognitive tests, his debilitated mental 

state has now been revealed by special counsel Robert Hur, investigating 

him about classified documents. The good news for Biden is the 

conclusion that he shouldn’t face charges. But, the bad news is the 

reason: that he would present himself to a jury as a “sympathetic, well-

meaning elderly man with a poor memory.” So, if he’s not competent to 

stand trial… it begs for the 25th Amendment. 

Meanwhile, there’s the Hamas war on Israel to contend with and we 

have an incompetent Biden threatening Israel to withhold military aid. 

He’s been calling Netanyahu names, saying Israel’s response is over

the top and making Israel prove that it didn’t violate international law.

Israel and the IDF have done more than any other country to minimize

civilian casualties. This man who doesn’t know where he is, who Hamas 

is, or what the nuclear code is, will be determining - not only Israel’s fate, 

but America’s. 

And the more demented he becomes, the easier it is for puppeteer 

Obama to pull his strings. Obama, the President who made America 

more vulnerable to terrorists than any other. This podcast ends with a 

chilling bombshell that warns us we have less time than we think….