Alright, brave souls and easily spooked wanderers, before we dive into the adult-themed chaos of Dark Enigma, here's your legal heads-up. Our tales and banter might disturb, frighten, or even offend you. If you're the kind who faints at the sight of a dark shadow, well, then this might not be your cup of eerie tea. Consider this your warning – listener discretion is advised, and we will not be held responsible for any spilled coffee, dropped jaws, or overly dramatic gasps that may ensue, so, clutch your pearls at your own peril. Alright, buckle up, or don't, I’m not your mother, and you've been warned!


Greetings, my heathens, and step right up to the vortex of the peculiar and unexplained – this is Dark Enigma! I'm your ringmaster, Nicole Delacroix, here to guide you through tales of things that go bump in the night, creatures that haunt your dreams, supernatural beings with more drama than your nosy neighbor, and a sprinkle of unsolved mysteries. So, buckle up, grab your beverage of choice and prepare to be whisked away to the dark, delightful conundrum of today's episode. Let the weirdness commence, as we dive into today's Dark Enigma.


Welcome, paranormal pals! Today on Dark Enigma, we're diving into the mysterious with our usual sarcasm and a sprinkle of dark humor. Get your favorite spirits ready – whether it's a fancy wine or a trusty brew – because, let's be honest, your social calendar is probably emptier than a ghost's closet. Take a swig every time you're mystified by our spellbinding tales or our equally spellbinding host. But hey, the choice of poison is yours. Choose wisely, and let the laughter and libations flow! Alright, now for the game part how about every time I say Doll that will be a single shot and every time I say paranormal, that will be a double shot.  Now that the business end is out of the way we can jump headfirst into today’s dark enigma… so channel those polyester vibes. Don your bell-bottom jeans, a psychedelic-print shirt that screams flower power, and top it off with a wide-collared, vibrant jacket that practically yells "funky detective." as we dive into today’s offering of The Doll, the Myth, the Polyester Nightmare - Annabelle's Side-Eye Chronicles"


Today, we're diving headfirst into the gripping tale of Annabelle, the side-eye queen of the doll realm. Buckle up, because we're about to expose the origins of the side-eye that could make any cat jealous. Just remember your host has a particular phobia about dolls, because they are creepy AF, but for you dear listener, I would go to the ends of the Earth, no matter how creeped out I am.  So, Picture it: the '70s, where disco fever was high, and our girl Annabelle was just a Raggedy Ann trying to find her groove in a world of lava lamps and questionable fashion choices. In her early days, Annabelle was the picture of innocence, clad in her red, white, and blue. She was the doll next door, the one you'd invite to your tea party without a second thought. Polyester or not, Annabelle was on a mission to charm her way into the hearts of unsuspecting humans.