Osama Bin Laden groupies and Islamic conversions aren't

just TikTok fads - American youth are actually learning Jihad. 

A new poll reveals shocking statistics, including: 30% of 

GenZ think Bin Laden's views are a ‘force for good’. Ever 

since October 7, when Hamas attacked Israel, we are

seeing evidence of years of indoctrination - from preschool 

teachers through Ivy League Presidents - in the form of 

aggressive pro-Hamas and pro-Palestinian protests. 

You’ll hear how the radical Left’s 'Long March Through the 

Institutions’ (like Mao Zedong’s Long March, culminating in 

Communist takeover of China), has taught our children to 

hate America - and who better to model this hate than 

Bin Laden and terrorists. The radical Left and terrorists have 

different underlying motives, but they both want the 

destruction of America and its traditional values. 

In this episode, you’ll also hear direct quotes from professors 

and Imams, whose recent speeches are more blatantly aimed 

at provoking jihad. They cite the Qur’an’s promise of paradise 

with 72 virgins and “a male member that never becomes flaccid” 

for those who kill or are killed, for Allah. They are ‘influencers’ 

whose speeches are not only heard by the people who attend 

their lectures and sermons - but now by all who can connect to 

the Internet, portending a 9/11 on steroids….