You’ve undoubtedly been bombarded by media stories about 

Hamas’ barbaric attack on Israel and the subsequent fallout in 

Gaza and the rest of the Middle East, as well as worldwide

protests supporting Hamas and Palestinians, and perpetrating 

Antisemitism. But, what you haven't seen or heard are the REAL 

secrets behind these events because too many don’t know them 

or are afraid to dig down and reveal the truth. 

On this episode of The Terrorist Therapist Show, you will hear 

the 3 secrets of why the war began now, why Americans are in 

imminent danger, and why this wave of Antisemitism seemed to 

explode out of nowhere. 

First you will hear about the age-old intentions of Radical 

Islamists to wage ‘global' jihad. Not only has Dr. Carole been 

warning you about this in these podcasts for years, but now 

you will hear it in the words of Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son 

of the founder of Hamas. 

Next, you’ll hear about politicians speaking out of both sides of 

their mouth, notably Barack Hussein Obama, who is coming out 

of the closet to reveal his longstanding agenda against Israel 

and Jews. As the puppeteer pulling Biden’s strings, he’s able to

get his way, especially now since Biden wants to distract us at 

this time from his crimes and get us to vote for him.

Finally, we go behind the scenes of the protests to understand 

how they seemingly cropped up out of nowhere… yet we 

recognize their faces: BLM, LGBTQ+ and other groups who claim 

victimhood and, therefore, identify with Palestinians because of 

what they’ve been taught. You’ll be surprised to find out who’s been 

financially supporting this organized hate and the damage it’s been 

doing worldwide: from the White House gate to Palestinian-colored 

mice thrown into McDonald’s to a man killed by a pro-Hamas 

protester with a megaphone.