Please be aware the stories, theories, re-enactments and language in this podcast are of an adult nature and can be considered disturbing, frightening and in some cases even offensive.  Listener Discretion is therefore advised. 


Welcome heathens welcome to the world of the weird and unexplained.  I’m your host, Nicole Delacroix and together, we will be investigating stories about the things that go bump in the night, frighteningly imagined creatures, supernatural beings and even some unsolved mysteries but I promise all sorts of weirdness.  So, sit back, grab your favorite drink, and prepare to be transported to today's dark Enigma.... 


And on today’s Dark enigma we have another listener suggestion, and the subject is one that I’ve always wondered about and I hope you have too!  So, with that said, we will still be playing our drinking game and as you know, the drinking game is only for those of us that are at home and have nowhere else to go tonight.  So, gather your favorite libation, be it a glass of wine or your favorite brew, and prepare for a journey into the realms of the bizarre and mysterious. Take a sip every time you're bewitched by the podcast's enchanting tale, but the choice of libation, as always my darlings, is yours, so choose your poison accordingly… Alright, now for the game part how about every time I say Rasputin that will be a single shot and every time I say supernatural, that will be a double shot.  Now that the business end is out of the way we can jump headfirst into today’s dark enigma… so don your best   as we dive into today’s offering of  Rasputin – Immortal Mischief-Maker Or The Mystic Who Knew Too Much – I know, I should sing the song, but I’m still under the weather, so be thankful I’m not making your ears bleed


Welcome, to a thrilling journey into the enigmatic world of Grigori Rasputin. Today, we delve deep into the supernatural myths and mysteries that shroud his intriguing life. So, sit back, relax, and prepare to be amazed. As always, we need to start at the beginning, so to start today’s episode I want you to imagine a child born under a dark omen, destined for greatness or infamy. Rasputin's early life was the stuff of legends. Tales of mysterious births, strange dreams, and otherworldly encounters swirled around him like an aura.