DEM SENATOR: BILL CLINTON SHOULD HAVE RESIGNED FOLLOWING LEWINSKY SCANDALPhilippe Reines, a close adviser to Hillary Clinton during her tenure in the Senate, the State Department, and during her presidential campaign, bashed Gillibrand for her hypocrisy given the Senator’s close personal and fundraising ties to the Clintons.

“Ken Starr spent $70 million on a consensual blowjob. Senate voted to keep POTUS WJC. But not enough for you @SenGillibrand?” he wrote. “Over 20 yrs you took the Clintons’ endorsements, money, and seat. Hypocrite. Interesting strategy for 2020 primaries. Best of luck.”
Unlike Reines, many Democrats, as well as some in Hollywood and the mainstream media, have turned on Bill Clinton in a desperate and transparent attempt to portray themselves as having the moral high ground following revelations of rampant sexual misconduct by many in Hollywood – a core Democratic Party powerbase – as well as recent accusations against Minnesota Senator Al Franken. Hey Bros The Soundtrack of your Life Sky Pilot Radio 60's thru the 80's