Dianne Feinstein:

"All vets are mentally ill and
government should prevent them from owning firearms"

Thought Pork Barrel spending was a thing of the past?

Remember the moratorium placed on earmark spending?

Well Congress hasn't learned their lesson. While admittedly pork barrel spending is down, the pork spending in 2012 still accounted for 3.3 Billion dollars of your tax money.

We need to continue to pressure and shame Congress into submission to the will of the people. For this reason I have decided to launch Operation SOS (Sick of Swine). With your help we will send 1 bottle of Porkulus BBQ sauce to every elected leader on Capitol Hill reminding them of their obligations to be good stewards of our tax dollars. However, the cost of sending Porkulus to 535 elected leaders is substantial. In order to achieve this goal I need to raise $5,000. This amount is needed to cover the cost of the Porkulus, packing supplies, and the cost of shipping.

Please review the attached letter that will be sent with every bottle of Porkulus and then go to http://www.the3rdlantern.com to contribute to this effort by clicking on the Operation SOS banner.

In Liberty
Joel Reeder



Richie Keppler and Marla

Outraged parents say a New York middle school instructed young female students to ask one another for a lesbian kiss – and boys learned how to spot young sluts – in an anti-bullying presentation on gender identity and sexual orientation, according to Fox News’ Todd Starnes.

According to Starnes’ Report, the children attended a special April 11 health class taught by college students at Linden Avenue Middle School in Red Hook, N.Y. Parents say they were not notified of the presentation.