This episode of Rendering Unconscious podcast is a lecture by Dr. Steven Reisner “Crazy Like a Fox: Evil is Not a Psychiatric Illness ” presented at the New School for Social Research, January 31, 2017. Dr. Reisner is introduced by Dr. Chris Christian, who organized the event. This event available to view at YouTube:

Steven Reisner, PhD is a psychoanalyst, psychologist and political activist. He is a founding member of the Coalition for an Ethical Psychology, Advisor on Psychology and Ethics for Physicians for Human Rights and past-President of Psychologists for Social Responsibility. He was a leader in the successful movement to prohibit psychologists from their central role in CIA and military abuses of detainees. As a result of these efforts, psychologists were removed from Guantanamo Bay in January 2016. Dr. Reisner hosts the podcast MADNESS: Where Psychology & Capitalism Collide:

Follow him at Twitter:

Dr. Reisner contributed to Rendering Unconscious, the book! Rendering Unconscious: Psychoanalytic Perspectives, Politics and Poetry (Trapart Books, 2019):

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Rendering Unconscious Podcast is hosted by psychoanalyst Dr. Vanessa Sinclair:

Visit the main website for more information and links to everything:

The song at the end of the episode is from the album LUNACY (OST) by Vanessa Sinclair and Carl Abrahamsson:

Lunacy the film is available to view at Vimeo on Demand:

Many thanks to Carl Abrahamsson, who created the intro and outro music for Rendering Unconscious podcast.

Image from the event

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