Welcome to Remotely Interesting brought to you by Netlify. In this episode, we talk about the results of the Jamstack Survey and what we learned from it.

🔌 Plugs

Jamstack Community Survey 2021The State of JSThe State of the OctoverseAlex Russell

👥 Panelists

People who were remotely interesting:

Lauris VossPhil HawksworthTara Z. Manicsic

🔖 Chapters

00:55 - Topic and guest introduction04:18 - What were your goals with the survey?09:26 - Do you plan for a coordinated survey effort?10:30 - Are there any surprises in the data? 18:07 - Do you see moments when everyone starts using a new thing reflected - in the data?22:23 - Frameworks tend to have a long half life26:26 - If developers like it, that's the thing that will win30:38 - Is there a developer experience survey?32:41 - Is there data that doesn't meet the cut for the survey results?34:17 - Tidbits and Thought Things

As always, we hope you find it remotely interesting.

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