Welcome to Remotely Interesting brought to you by Netlify.

People who were remotely interesting:

Cassidy WilliamsJason LengstorfPhil HawksworthTara Z. Manicsic


Who's got a favorite database?


Structured vs. Unstructured Data

our first database experiences (lots of MySQL)learning about databasesJason thinks his brain gets bigger when he learns thingsMicrosoft Excel does everythingMongoDB & mongoose the GraphQLIt is SQL or SQLShadow and Bone (putting this here for Phil)

How do you use DBs in a Jamstack architecture?

having to do DBs for "real" sitesabdicating responsibilities to the experts at a Database as a Servicesharding and gigglingfrom limited options & complicated setups to lots of new optionsFaunaDBHasuraSupabasePlanetScale, etc.decoupling the frontend from the backendvia API endpoints & serverless functions, we're standardizing communication

DX & How we choose DBs

GraphQL user interface (GraphiQL)on the basis of the API, writing queries, accelerating dev workflowhow much do we need to know about the DBsPhil is wise, you're welcome, Philthe dev's comfort level

Who needs the top-tier?

you probs aren't going to hit Twitter-scaleby the time you outgrow the service, you'll prob. have the money to go biggerdbs aren't that incredibly differentask the company what your next step should be if you hit a limitkicking tires/free tiers are so valuable

What features do we look for?
- a clear, understandable API
- an easy onramp to getting started/getting data
- what am I building & what are the cost implications (rate limits, etc.)
- even really brilliant, smart people like Jason mess up, a story about loops
- having a playground like GraphiQL
- a discussion of GraphQL hesitancy
- Cassidy's professional conclusion, "ehhh"
- Jason talks about depends

Cassidy exhibits her humor mastery and it shines like the sun! 🌤

a resource! https://serverless.css-tricks.com/
another resource: https://graphql.org/learn/
a fantastic Phil Supabase resource: https://ntl.fyi/3BsJheT

TidBits & ThoughtThings™️
What is the worst form of storage you own?

As always, we hope you find it remotely interesting.


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