Did you know that your desk speaks volumes about you? Environmental psychology consultant Lily Bernheimer analyzes host Mel Green’s desk personality type. Lily says that knowing our type can help us design our own physical workspaces in a way that will help us work better - whether we’re setting up in a coffee shop, dining room, office, or all of the above. Then we move into the digital workspace with James Bulpin, Citrix’s Senior Principal Engineer with the Emerging Solutions Team. James offers tips and insight into how digital design can make our lives easier. It can remove distractions that stretch out the work day. It can reduce the number of passwords we have to remember. And it can allow us to work from many devices in many locations. Ultimately, good design can help us succeed in work and have time for play.

Explore Fieldwork by Citrix for research and stories to transform the way we work. Visit us here for more on the Citrix Workspace 

James Bulpin has written about how the digital workspace can support well-being

Lily Bernheimer is the Director of Spaceworks Consulting  and the author of The Shaping of Us: How Everyday Spaces Structure Our Lives, Behavior, and Well-Being. Read more about Lily Bernheimer’s personality desk types here.