Next Episode: The Freelance Wave

There’s work from home, and then there’s remote work - emphasis on the remote. Picture living in a tiny trapper's hut built in the 1930s with no running water, no electricity. The nearest town is 86 miles away and your nearest neighbors are polar bears. Meet Sunniva Sorby and Hilde Fålun Strøm. This is their home office in the heart of Svalbard, Norway. Self-described polar ambassadors and citizen scientists, Sunniva and Hilde are there to inspire “global dialogue about the changes we are experiencing in the Polar Regions” and to show why climate change in these regions should matter to everyone. No matter what your office looks like, or where you are in the world, this episode is filled with advice surrounding isolation and creating boundaries between work and life (even when it feels sometimes like there is no clear distinction between the two).

Citrix has created a virtual series on remote work filled with research, tools, and best practices to guide, support, and enable the remote workforce. 

To keep up with Sunniva and Hilde's news from Svalbard, read their blog.

Visit the Hearts in the Ice website to order Sunniva and Hilde's upcoming book, Hearts in the Ice, and to learn more about these citizen scientists and their Arctic work, from connecting with students and teachers from around the world to testing innovative wind, solar and satellite technology.

For more on digital wellness and prioritizing intentional workplace health, visit: