Over the past season, we’ve taken deep dives into how the world of work has been changing. For our final episode this season, we’re looking beyond the technology, the company culture, and the distributed work models. We’re looking at you and how you find balance day to day. A recent report by the World Economic Forum showed that with an increase in remote work, there has been more demand among employers and employees for skills related to well-being. Business leaders are taking steps to create a sense of community online and tackle challenges related to digital wellness. Well-being expert Jennifer Moss spent the pandemic researching burnout. She joins us to discuss what can be done to prevent it and what employers and individuals can do to create balance at work. 

Citrix has created a virtual series on remote work filled with research, tools, and best practices to guide, support, and enable the remote workforce. You can find the series here: www.citrix.com/remoteworks 
Citrix has also published a special section on Digital Wellness on their Fieldwork site

Jennifer Moss is a journalist, author and well-being columnist with an expertise in burnout and the future of work. You can read more about Jennifer’s work, including on the United Nations Global Happiness Council here