The hybrid model is supposed to bring the best of both worlds to the workplace. The ability to work asynchronously for solo tasks or in a group setting for team projects, as needed. Sharing space, naturally, is a key piece of hybrid work. But if team members are unable to work together even when they do come into the office, how can leaders ensure that employees are able to connect and collaborate even when people are not in the same room. 

In this episode, we talk about why connection and collaboration are an essential part of the hybrid workplace – not just for work output, but also the emotional well-being of employees. We will hear from a young office worker about the challenges he faces when he goes into work, when trying to ask for feedback for a client-related task. Later in the episode, organizational behavior professor Jana Raver tells us how a hybrid work model can help potentially repair a disconnect between work mates. Finally, we’ll get a tour of an office in the metaverse where employees can hang out at the beach or have confidential conversations in a spaceship!

Hybrid work is here to stay. A hybrid work report offers global opinion research based on fieldwork by Citrix that can help business leaders, IT leaders, and employees build the new world of work.

Work Rebalanced: The Citrix Hybrid Work Report utilizes four key pillars — technology, flexibility, trust, and collaboration — to understand the forces challenging and reshaping their organizations.