Well, aside from someone that forgot to apply sunscreen correctly, I am an avid fisherman, artist and musician.  I now live in Charleston, SC, and it has been quite an adventure getting here.  I am originally from Dallas, TX...with a stint in Jackson, WY, and Atlanta, GA.   My first recollection of being interested in "Art" was when I was about 5 years old.  I remember in pre-school always drawing E.T. and the Miami Dolphins logo, the desire to draw water creatures (And Aliens) was born.  Since then I have been in love with fishing and drawing fish.  My first memories of fishing was back in East Texas with my 2 Grandfathers and my Dad.  They would take me fishing anytime I asked, and they are my favorite memories to this day.  I truly believe my Papa and Pawpaw are with me everytime I get my feet wet in a River, Lake or Saltwater Flat. There is nothing more enjoyable than capturing an image of a moment in time on my camera then converting it to paper or canvas.  I love painting people's fish too, its something that I have been doing for a long time and has more or less gotten me to this point.  Doing the custom "Catch and Release Paintings" has given me the ability to call myself an artist and gives way to me doing my own artistic creations. Although my full background is freshwater fishing, I have now taken the plunge into the saltwater fishing spectrum.  I love everything about...it is so unpredictable, always changing.  The moon, the tides, the weather, the boats, the tackle...it's a whole other world, and I love it.  I look forward to bringing you images that I capture from this new chapter in my life...I plan on keeping it on this chapter for a long time!