Great leaders don’t water down their message in order to make the tribe a bit bigger. Instead, they realize that a motivated, connected tribe in the midst of a movement is far more powerful than a larger group could ever be.” Seth Godin 


One of my favorite books of all time is Seth Godin's Tribes.

If you have followed me long enough musically, you know that I refer my loyal listeners as the Calagna Tribe of Seekers.

I have always marched to the beat of my drum.

As a kid, I didn't like rules and often would find the best way to break them possible when they were forced. As an artist, I still choose to follow my rhythm. Sometimes, I would say this has been my Achilles heel. I can't be placed in a box. Musically, I have a range and to be known as a specific type of DJ or music producer only doesn't fit the frequency of who I am.

Having to learn to follow my path is what ultimately led me to build a tribe of seekers who not only understood my sound, vision, and mission.

But could also resonate with the sound themselves.

If you are a fan of my music, then you and I share a similar frequency.

You want something different. You want something that doesn't sound like everyone else. You crave something deeper, something raw. You like music to take you somewhere. You are invested not only in the sound, but the story and emotion behind it. You aren't afraid to go beyond your comfort zone and stretch yourself because you trust that I will take you there. You and I share the same frequency.

But here is the thing. If I didn't follow my heart, we wouldn't have connected. So, I want you to practice using this mantra in your life.

"Your vibe attracts your tribe." Regardless of what you do in your life, this mantra is potent.

Pay attention to what energy you are putting forth in the world.

What is your frequency like daily?

Are you uplifted? Are you joyful?

Do you love your life?

Or Are you filled with negativity? Are you complaining more than appreciating?

Tune inward and look at your vibe.

Pay attention to who you are attracting in your life and notice if these are people that are in alignment with you, or are they people who are affecting your flow?

Then take a look at your closest tribe members and notice if anyone is holding you back. If so, perhaps it's time to have a real talk conversation with them. Or maybe it's time to let them go.

Your vibe attracts your tribe.

And what you put out into the world, will come back to you.

If you choose to put out positive vibes and walk into your day with love, gratitude, and joy then I guarantee, you will get that back. And the same goes for negativity.

When you are faced with something that is off or out of flow Question it.

What frequency am I playing that is attracting this into my life? How can I grow from this experience? What is life requesting that I do differently?


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