Tom has a job interview, talks about his seasonal job, and gets into a fight about whether or not “raw toast” is also “just bread”. Tom follows his New Year’s resolution and has been blogging a ton, and he thinks it’s what drove so much traffic from San Diego to the podcast, or maybe it was the Monkees. So far, this has been the episodes truest to the name of the show, and the guys spend most of the time trying to recall an insane road trip they took as 17 year olds to see a girl that never showed, and lying to their mom about exactly where they were, and how 900 miles were put on the family car in under 24 hours. They also totally forgot about the song of the week, but it’ll give you more time to read Pat’s book recommendation from last week!



Hey Arnold! grandpa

Micky Kaline

Tom’s super dope blog post

Best pen in the world

Tom’s piss in a Doritos bag

Mile marker 66.6

Tom and Pat’s great road trip of 2008 map

Pat and Tom in Pittsburgh

4 Under Par Music Video



Song of the week:


We forgot. Sorry


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