There was no living creature as foul as Chiodos, and all of their poems were… actually Shakespeare sonnets? Anyways, we’re here talking about Chiodos and there’s a whole lot to say about it. The screaming, the stabbing, the high pitched voices, the breakdowns, and the rumors floating around our high school that their name was pronounced Chiodos and not Chiodos. Get it straight people.

On the surface, the music video for Baby, You Wouldn’t Last a Minute on the Creek is kind of nonsense, but after heavily discussing the weird ubiquity of Chiodos among our hip hop friends, we got to the bottom of the meaning of it. It’s drugs, people… Zip Zop Zooey, the kids love me.





Baby, You Wouldn’t Last a Minute on the Creek Music Video

Big Time and the Dirty Dirty T-shirts

The Wordless by Cinematic Sunrise


Songs of the week:

BCKYRD by Hot Mulligan

Losing Myself by State Champs


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